martes, 26 de diciembre de 2023

Graphic scores

First year students have created graphic scores.  The project consisted of  creating music without using a stave, notes or dynamics, They had to use drawings and symbols in order to represent  changes in timbre, volume, duration and pitch. They had to work  in groups and  use a maximum of two musical instruments. The rest of the sounds  had to be performed by using their own bodies or school supplies.

Graphic scores de Música IES La Ería

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2023

My favourite music

First year students have learnt how to express  music tastes during this term. In addition to speaking practice  they have written about their preferences in «My favourite music» a small project to describe who their favourite singer is and  the style of music they love.

My favourite music de Museria Bilinsec

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023

Our sound map

In the last few weeks, first year students have learnt about the differences between, sound and noise. They also looked into the sources of noise pollution in their neighbourhood and at home in order to be aware of  this invisible pollutant.

After that, they created their own sound map with Padlet Maps, an online application. Here they uploaded a recording of the streets they live in to show their particular sound environment. They have  also registered maxímun and minimun levels of noise in decibels, after using a soundmeter application for several days.

Hecho con Padlet

martes, 6 de junio de 2023

Second Year. Unit 8. Functions in music. Listening activities

Functions in music. Listening activity nº 5 (pg. 3).

1. Green giant.
2. British National Anthem.
3. Right Here Waiting. Richard Marx.
4. Fight the Power. Public Enemy


Second Year. Unit 8. Art, popular and traditional music. Listening activities

Second Year. Unit 8. Listening activity Nº 4 (pg.3)

1. Title: Clarinet Concert. W.A. Mozart
2. Title: Psycho. Soundtrack. Bernard Hermann
3. Title: Italian Symphony. Felix Mendelssohn
4. Title: So Lonely. The Police.

You have the instructions in your photocopies.  Here you have the Spanish translation, just in case you don't understand them.

Cada audición (y título) se corresponde con una columna. Debéis marcar con una cruz en cada casilla según corresponda si describe la obra que escucháis (vocal, art...). Los apartados subgenres y  style debéis completarlo vosotros mismos buscando la información en internet.

Second Year. Unit 8. Art, popular and traditional music. Listening activities

Second Year. Unit 8. Art, popular and traditional music. Listening activity nº 3 (pg. 2)

3a. Fallahí. Egypt.
3b. Swan Lake. P.I. Tchaikovsky.


Art music (classical music). It´s a written musical tradition. It tends to be considered as an elitist expression.

  • Symphony nº 5. L.V. Beethoven. Art, instrumental, orchestral, absolute.
  • Va pensiero. Nabucco. Giuseppe Verdi. Art, vocal accompanied, choral, theatre, opera.

Popular music. It is music that is accessible to the general public.
Traditional. It´s music learned through singing and listening. Traditional music is part of the traditions of a particular region.

Second Year. Unit 8. Absolute, Programme & Theatre music. Listening activities

Absolute, Programme & Theatre music. Listening activities (pg.2)

2a. The magic flute. Papageno Aria. W.A. Mozart
2b. String quartet nº 3, op. 76. Franz Joseph Haydn.


Absolute music makes sense without accompanying words, images, drama, dance or other kinds of extra-musical ideas.
Programme music is descriptive music, it interprets an object, landscape or emotional experience.
Theatre music includes a variety of subgenres designed to form part of a drammatic performance (opera, cabaret, ballet, film or television program).
  • Carmen. Opera. Habanera. Georges Bizet. Theatre, ópera, vocal, accompanied (by orchestra and choir)
  • The rite of spring. Ballet. Igor Stravinsky. Theatre, ballet, instrumental, orchestral
  • Cats. Musical. A. Lloyd Weber. Theatre, musical, vocal accompanied.
  • North by Northwest. Opening titles. Film music. Bernard Herrmann. Theatre, film, instrumental, orchestral

Second Year. Unit 8. Instrumental | Vocal music. Listenig activities

The term genre is used to identify particular categories of arts. Music can be divided into many genres according to a number of criteria such as instrumentation, musical contents and so on.

Listening activities / Audiciones pg. 1

1a. De lucis ante terminum
1b. Fifth Symphony by L.V. Beethoven


Instrumental music. Night train, Duke Ellington

Vocal music. Firework. Katy Perry.
  • A capella (without instrumental accompaniment). Star Wars.
  • Accompanied (with instrumental accompaniment). Route 66. Manhattan Transfer.
  • Choral. Performed by a choir. Slaves chorus. Nabucco. Verdi

lunes, 5 de junio de 2023

Second Year. Unit 8. Surfing the net

Surfing the net (pg. nº 4)

You have to find information about the following musical works to complete the table:

1. The Nutcracker
2. Cats (musical)
3. Peter Grimes
4. West Side Story (film)

En el apartado «plot» debéis sintetizar al máximo o bien completar en hoja aparte.
En «additional information» incluid algún aspecto de la obra que sea llamativo o relevante.

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2023


Polyphonic textures:

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

What's a riff?

 A Riff is a short, memorable musical phrase. We often listen to the riffs at the beginning of the song and are repeated throughout it.

Smells Like Teen Spirit, by Nirvana

Satisfaction, by The Rolling Stones

Smoke On The Water, by Deep Purple

Sweet Child On Mine, by Guns N' Roses

Day Tripper, by The Beatles

Layla,by Eric Clapton

What's a Hook?

 A Hook is a repeated part of a song (lyrics and music) that is particularly pleasant and easy to remember. Examples of hooks: 

Lollipop by The Chordettes

YMCA, by Village People

MMMbop, by Hanson

Hey Ya!, by Outkast