domingo, 28 de abril de 2013


An interval is the gap between two notes.

You get the number by counting up from the bottom note to the top note


Types of  intervals

  • Melodic: if the two notes sound one after another (horizontal).
  • Harmonic: if the two notes sound simultaneously (vertical).
  • Ascending: from a low note to a high note.
  • Descending: from a high note to a low note.
  • Step: are intervals between consecutive scale degrees (e.g. C-D or D-E)
  • Skip: are intervals between non consecutive scale degrees (e.g. C-E, F-B)

Third. Melodic. Ascending. Skip
Second. Melodic. Ascending. Step
Fourth. Melodic. Descending. Skip
Third. Harmonic.

Intervals from

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