martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

Teranga: the legacy of the griots of Senegal

Last Wednesday, the 20 of January, all of the second year students attendded  the show «Teranga: the legacy of the Griots of Senegal» by the hand of six young men from Senegal who want to keep the cultural tradition of their country alive. At the beginning of the performance the original dresses and the peculiar dances caught our attention. During the concert, the group played some interesting pieces using typical instruments from Senegal, such as the balafon, a sort of marimba, the tama, the «talking drum» and djembes. Drums were played with hands and drumsticks. We also saw the kora, a mix of a harp and a lute. Everything was accompanied by a lot of imagery and traditional dances. They showed that music has a specific function in Senegal, for working and praying, also for getting married and as well as rain dances and songs. The concert was very fun and now we know a little bit more about Senegal, and we would like to go there sometime.

Lucía Morán Cimadevilla (2 ESO D), Javier Pañeda Valderrábano (2º ESO D), Laura San Martín Sánchez (2º ESO E).

The musicians playing drums

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