martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

Live traditional Asturian music

Last Friday, January 22, first year students went to the Filarmónica Theatre to see a concert of traditional Asturian music. When we arrived to the theatre there were children from other high schools. There were eight musicians who are teachers at the Traditional School of Music. They played different types of instruments. They started talking about percussion instruments especially the rattle, an instrument that consists of  a board made of wood which is beaten with one or more hammers. They also played instruments such as castanets, drums and tambourines. They continued playing wind instruments such as flutes, the canaveira, the accordion and the most important in Asturias, the bagpipe. Then, they talked about string instruments and we listened the bandurria, the guitar and the hurdy-gurdy. We think that this instrument is quite funny and we haven´t seen it before. There was a girl, Anabel Santiago, who is a very famous singer in Asturias, and sung very well. They played lot of songs, for example «Dame un besu», «Alparagatas», «Xiringüelu», jotas and asturianadas. At the end of the show, the Oviedo bagpipes band came into the theatre and played the Asturian national anthem. In our opinion the concert was interesting and we liked that they spent a little part of the time telling us about the human voice. We enjoyed the concert very much.

Julio Díaz Méndez, Sergio Estrada Paredes, Sara Vega González (1º ESO A), Miguel Galán Fernández, Martín López Fernández, Lía Rodríguez-Colubi Fernández (1º ESO B).

The Oviedo bagpipes band

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